Sunday, November 22, 2009

Which cell phone company is the best?

Ok, so which one is it? For the sake of time, let's look at the four biggest in the U.S. alone for now, and their pros and cons. You have Verizon, with their boast of the biggest network, the most 3g coverage, and reliability. AT and T, with a very large network, and of course, the iphone. Then there is Sprint, with the nations "first" 4g coverage, and the hot palm pre, quite a phone in it's own right. T-Mobile rounds it out, with it's main claim to fame it's customer service, and growth. So who is the best? I am going to break it down by 4 categories: coverage, affordability, customer service, and products.

First, and probably most important, is coverage. I know we have all heard the commercials from all four companies, but which is best? Well, simply stated, right now that would be Verizon. While ATT has a very large network, and quite a large 3g network, Verizon has even more. Sprint has made some good strides toward that goal, but they fall short as well. T-Mobile has grown immensely in the last 7 years, and at the rate they are going, they may even catch verizon, sooner than most think, but they still have a lot of ground to cover, and their 3g is not as expansive as the other three companies yet.
Winner: Verizon

Now for affordability. This one is easy. T-Mobile is the best deal in mobile phones right now, followed by Sprint, than Verizon and ATT. With their new rate plans, even more plus, T-Mobile really raised the bar on pricing. Being able to get an unlimited minutes, messaging, and data plan for only 79.99 is unbelievable, and no contract required to boot! Only Sprint is even remotely close with the Simply Everything for 99.99. Verizon and ATT are not even close.
Winner: T-Mobile

Ah, customer service. This may be the most underrated quality of a mobile phone company, and right now, there are two leading the way, head and shoulders above the rest. T-Mobile and Verizon have both led the way in customer service for a while. While it's true T-Mobile has won 8 out of the last 9 J D power awards for it, Verizon has made huge strides in customer service, even taking the one title T-Mobile did not win, and forcing a tie on the last. Unfortunately, ATT and Sprint are not even close in that aspect. So I give this to T-Mobile, but only slightly.
Winner: T-Mobile

Now for the fun stuff, the phones! With so many to choose from, this is a tough one. With a wide array of Blackberries, data devices, and music phones, the winner of this category is tough! As little as 2 years ago, it would have been easy, with the iphone being all alone as the most amazing phone out there, but this is no longer the case. Now we have T-Mobile coming in with the MyTouch and the Motorola Cliq, Sprint with the HTC Hero and the Palm Pre, and Verizon with the Blackberry Storm and the new Droid. Now it's true, if you are a Mac lover, then you're probably going to pick an iphone every time, but there are some serious gaps in the iphone that the others have finally closed. For one, I found it very annoying that when I had my iphone, if I filled it's memory with videos and songs, I had to delete some to put more in. I love the idea of being able to fill a memory card, then just remove it, put in another and save the content on the first for another day. I am currently using a Mytouch, and I have a 32 gig card already filled with videos, another is now holding music. I like that. Then there is the whole picture message thing. I had heard that iphone finally did an update to allow them to send pictures, but I have not found this yet. As far as operating systems go, iphone is still the most established, having the largest application selection, and a very smooth system. The palm has it's own, and while it's not quite on par with iphone yet, it has great potential. Of course, Blackberry gives the iphone a run in that department, as it is still the most widely used phone for business there is, but all the companies have Blackberries, so we won't count them, even though Verizon's new Storm and T-Mobiles new Bold are simply amazing. But as for the best, it really comes down to opinion. I will put ATT with it's iphone the winner, mainly because of it's following and os, but I really don't believe it will be there for long.
Winner: ATT

So, T-Mobile wins two of four, but does that mean they are the best? Over all, I think so, but again, that's just my opinion, and I would like to hear yours. If you do have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at I welcome all comments, and hope to hear many.

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